The contract is deployed on Arbitrum One
The contract is an implementation of the ERC721Enumerable by Openzeppelin.
Contract variables (seasonal values)
Total Mints (per season) : 2'500
Mints per wallet: 25
Character Base Attack: 1000
Character Base Defense: 250
Character Base Weight: 3600
Public Price: 0.01 ETH
Contract Fee: 0.002 ETH
Total Pod: 20 ETH
The metadata of the tokens is stored on-chain. It contains five equipment traits and the aura of the token stored as text. Attack, Defense and Weight of the token is calculated based on the traits and stored as a number.
For the minting as well as the fighting calculation the contract is connected to Chainlink VRF contracts which provides unpredictable randomness. The source of the randomness is fully decentralized and 100% unpredictable.
Public API
The contract provides several endpoints to track tokens. The easiest way to interact with the contract is through
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